Thou shalt not lie meaning
Thou shalt not lie meaning

If lying is an affront to God’s character, then why does God seem to lie (or bless those who do)? It is based on God’s holiness.” In essence, Matt Slick (creator of ) and others argue that when we break the Law of God, we “sin” by offending God because our actions are in contrast to God’s character. It is wrong to steal because God cannot steal, etc. It is wrong to lie because God cannot lie. Therefore, the Law is a reflection of the character of God. Also, the reason God says to not lie, not cheat, etc., is because these laws reflect the moral purity of His nature. “When you sin, you offend God because it is His law that you have broken. I believe God wants Christians to eventually grow up and learn the mature, more complicated, definition of sin (1Pt 2.2).

thou shalt not lie meaning

Every good parent and leader wants his or her child (or Soldier) to eventually choose right or wrong on his or her own. Though initially practical, at some point in the child’s (or Private’s) maturation, this commandment will (and should) become questioned. Think about parents who tell their child to always obey everything they command or an Army Private told to act without question. The problem with defining sin as an action (or inaction) is that though the definition isn’t erroneous, it is incomplete and immature. sin), then is God expecting me to sin in order to comply with His commands to do something good (i.e. However, that really doesn’t answer our initial question because if lying is a transgression against God (i.e.

thou shalt not lie meaning

Therefore, sins are what we do against God’s commands (lie, steal, kill) and what we do not do in compliance with His commands (preach, disciple, save lives). Most Christians believe exactly the same thing: “Sin is breaking God’s law.” Even the dictionary defines sin as “an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.” A thorough Google search will reveal that sin is also “missing the mark,” “hamartano” in the Greek, which means: “the man who knows the good he ought to do and does not do it, sins” (Jas 4.17). You can find his thoughts on sin here, but honestly, you don’t really need to read it. He justified his condemnation of their actions with this: “God will forgive, but you need to ask for opportunities to do what’s right without having to sin,” admitting that he would’ve lied as well, but then repented. He told her that it was indeed a sin and even used the example of Christians hiding Jews during World War 2 who sinned every time they saved lives with their lies.

thou shalt not lie meaning

One of my favorite Christian radio personalities, Matt Slick, founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry ( ), was asked if he thought Chinese Christians who lied about their congressional gatherings in order to save lives were sinning.

Thou shalt not lie meaning